The change starts now.

Change requires action. It's projected that by 2050 we will have double the number of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles on the road versus today - even as EV's are projected to grow to 700M. This is why Roev is focusing on solutions to help decarbonise transport and increase EV uptake around the world.

Our Mission

is to accelerate the transition to a decentralised renewable energy system.

Surfer on a clean beach
Electric vehicle driving through countryside

We do so through sustainably-focused software solutions at the intersection of transport and energy.

Leadership Team

We are a group of tech geeks, EV enthusiasts, energy savants and sustainability advocates focused on challenges that can have deeper and more meaningful impact on our communities and the planet.

Noah Wasmer-headshot
Noah Wasmer
CEO, Co-founder

For more than 20 years, Noah has held leadership positions in software companies like Atlassian, VMware, and Apple.

Paul Slade-headshot
Paul Slade
CTO, Co-founder

Paul’s technology careers spans 25 years, 8 in enterprise software consulting and the next 17 in software engineering. During his 13 years at Atlassian, Paul ran engineering across Cloud Products and Platform teams.

Robert Dietz-headshot
Robert Dietz
CXO, Co-founder

Starting with designing websites in the early 90's Robert moved on to leading product design teams at Microsoft where in his last role he led the first major redesign of Bing's search engine across all platforms. product design for Microsoft. His last role prior to joining Roev was VP of Product Design at Atlassian where he lead both design for cloud and server. A huge believer in customer centric design he's keen to help fleets accelerate their transition to renewables.

Future Vision